We begin the season of Eastertide where we focus on the resurrection and what it means for us. For the seven weeks following Easter, we will see similarities that our lives have with two followers of Jesus who, on Resurrection Day, left Jerusalem to Emmaus. They were surprised, a bit confused, sad, and somewhat hopeless.

This story is found in Luke 24:13-35 and has huge implications for us, since it is here where we often find ourselves, in between the hope of Jesus’ resurrection and our own hopes for a better life.

Yet, Jesus comes alongside us and walks with us. So, with Jesus as our companion on this journey, we learn how we can welcome the stranger and practice hospitality, listen to our deepest hopes and desires, see our suffering as sanctification, practice discernment, and bear witness of Jesus as we go out on the mission he is calling us to.

Download our Eastertide in Luke Guide where you will find our sermon series schedule, parish discussion questions, and weekly prayers to pray each day, as we read, study, and let Luke 24:13-35 minister to our church family in this season.

Tony Villatoro